When parents separate, parenting time (visits or exchanges) with children may be a problem. Sometimes, difficulties arise at the time of the exchange. Conflict can arise between the parents, or between a parent and a relative. Other times, there may be concerns about the visits themselves.

The Centre York Centre offers families experiencing difficulties a way to deal with some of these problems. Supervised visitation centres, provide a safe and neutral setting. Visits and exchanges take place under the supervision of trained staff and volunteers.


In a supervised visit, the visiting party visits with his or her child(ren) at the Centre York Centre. The visit is supervised by the Centre’s staff. There is no contact between parties.

In a supervised exchange, the parent who the child(ren) resides with, brings the child to the Centre York Centre. The visiting parent picks the child up and they have an unsupervised visit away from the Centre. The visiting parent then brings the child back to the centre. The child is then returned to his/her parent whom they reside with. There is no contact between parties.